Monday, March 30, 2009

On the border with Nancy

As Chrysler's recovery plan using tax payer money is rejected by President Obama, and we watch more hard earned American taxpayer dollars swirling around the drain preparatory to being sucked down, I am steamed up about another even more vital issue.

A week or two ago, Nancy Pelosi gave a pro-immigration speech to a group of legal and illegal Mexicans in San Francisco. She calls them patriotic, and some or all of them may be, but if they are in this country illegally, they are breaking the law.
This speech decries enforcement of existing laws that prohibit businesses from hiring illegal aliens. Pelosi is among those liberals who love to say that no American Citizen would do some of the jobs vacated by those illegals who are rounded up during these raids. The facts are that after raids those jobs are usually quickly filled by legal citizens. Today, with American unemployment at nearly 20% in some parts of the country does anyone doubt that any job vacated can quickly be filled?

It seems to me that Speaker Pelosi is encouraging people to break the law. We the People who obey the laws of the land are left to 'go fish' as she embraces those who break them.
Shouldn't we feel compassion toward those families who have undertaken the arduous journey to enter our country? Yes we should, and we should do what we can to help Mexico as she struggles to overcome years of bad government, but we can't afford to host the entire population of Mexico .

Wake up Pelosi, Reid, and you Senator McCain who should know better!
Just as opening up a vein will only supply only six quarts of blood before you've bled out and you can provide no more, America is already financially bled out! We're broke folks, and none of your posing, posturing, pronouncements, or promises will change that.

We the people know that you are all viewing those people as votes. If you can just give them amnesty, they will vote for you. Well, we the People are voters too. We're the folks who have been reluctant to get mixed up in the nasty business of politics, but we are still the backbone of America and you haven't broken us yet!

The video and transcript of Pelosi's speech are available from Californians for Population Stabilization. Note that as she panders, she still manages to patronize.
Here's a petition. asking President Obama to enforce existing laws. I signed this petition, but I'm still going to write Pelosi a letter. (I'm not picking on her sending two letters in a row--well maybe I am.) I hope you'll sign the petition or send a letter or both....

Nancy Pelosi
235 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515-0508
Dear Madam Speaker,

I have watched a video and read the transcript of your speech to legal and illegal Mexicans in San Francisco.
Did you mean to encourage breaking existing law and to denounce enforcement of the laws of the people and land you represent (I mean the citizens and the United States of America here -that's correct isn't it?) Did you mean to say that the enforcement of American law is UnAmerican?

Sometimes it's hard for the ordinary middle class or lower class tax paying citizen to recognize any representation in Government today. I hope we can count on you to keep us in mind as you challenge laws that were put in place for our benefit.

Sincerely yours,
Linda G.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Things are happening so fast in Washington that it's impossible to keep up with everything that threatens American freedom. It's like a keystone comedy where the same clowns who created a huge mess are commissioned to fix it, and every decision they make compounds the problem.

Common sense Americans know that you can't spend your way out of debt. We don't want our Grandchildren paying our debts. We're supposed to get all excited by a few dollars added to our paychecks or "refunded" on our income taxes. If we had the choice of borrowing that money and expecting our children and our grandchildren and our great grandchildren to pay it back along with years of accumulated interest would we CHOOSE to borrow it? Any money we automatically receive from the Government is already our money. They are loaning us our own money and it's in the form of a bribe! "Take this money from your great benefactor, Government and smile. Buy yourself a nice digital TV or something. and settle down."
In other words, they think we are too stupid to figure this out, too greedy to turn it down, or to lazy to fight it!

But you know what? We're not! All over this country people are having"tea parties," gathering in orderly protest against big government and increased taxation. They are writing letters, signing petitions, and sending emails. The silent majority is finding it's voice! That voice is gaining strength daily and it's speaking out in defense of the Constitution of the United States of America!
Letter of the day:

Nancy Pelosi
235 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515-0508

Dear Madam Speaker,
I am one of the formerly silent majority of Americans who is fed up with big Government spending and increased taxation.
You stood up before all the citizens of America, placed your hand on the Bible, and took an oath to protect and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. Clearly, you need to re-read that document.

Sincerely yours,
Linda G. (I use my full voter name on my letters)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spitting on Marines

We all dream of sending our children to a good University. What many may not realize is the narrow scope of social ideology that is being "taught" along with biology, physics, or English lit.

My Grandson, along with his fellow band members, was in Lake Havasu last weekend promoting two of the band's sponsors, Gretsch Musical instruments and Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer. They happened to meet up with two young Marines who were just home from Iraq and facing deployment to Afghanistan.

Both young men were about 20 or 21 years old and highly upset and frustrated because they had just met up with a group of college students who, upon discovering that they were Marines, spat on them! Spit! How pathetic, disgusting, and mean spirited is that?

Of course the Marines, being in excellent shape and trained in combat, could have happily and easily wiped the floor with their tormentors. They didn't dare lay a finger on them knowing they would probably have been arrested and possibly faced military court marshal.

So why do college students feel entitled to show such contempt as to spit on anyone with whom they disagree? It seems to be a growing form of demonstrating disapproval by college students as a young woman handing out a newspaper to fellow students at UC Berkley found.

Her experience is featured in the following video of Lou Dodd and Evan Coyne Maloney discussing the documentary film, Indoctrinate U .

More about Evan Coyne Maloney's Documentary, Indoctrinate U, here. There are segments available on YouTube and people can organize showings in their own communities.

I always thought spitting on people was only done by old crones in novels depicting the dark ages. Or by helpless heroines facing death in movies. Who knew it would be the weapon choice by American youth for assaulting a fellow human with whom they disagree!

The thing that really bothers me is what would these same young people do if they had the power to really hurt people who hold different ideas or ideals than their own? Would they stop at spitting? Could they lynch those who disagreed with them? Or consign them to a camp or worse? Never in America? I would like to believe that.