Saturday, March 28, 2009

Things are happening so fast in Washington that it's impossible to keep up with everything that threatens American freedom. It's like a keystone comedy where the same clowns who created a huge mess are commissioned to fix it, and every decision they make compounds the problem.

Common sense Americans know that you can't spend your way out of debt. We don't want our Grandchildren paying our debts. We're supposed to get all excited by a few dollars added to our paychecks or "refunded" on our income taxes. If we had the choice of borrowing that money and expecting our children and our grandchildren and our great grandchildren to pay it back along with years of accumulated interest would we CHOOSE to borrow it? Any money we automatically receive from the Government is already our money. They are loaning us our own money and it's in the form of a bribe! "Take this money from your great benefactor, Government and smile. Buy yourself a nice digital TV or something. and settle down."
In other words, they think we are too stupid to figure this out, too greedy to turn it down, or to lazy to fight it!

But you know what? We're not! All over this country people are having"tea parties," gathering in orderly protest against big government and increased taxation. They are writing letters, signing petitions, and sending emails. The silent majority is finding it's voice! That voice is gaining strength daily and it's speaking out in defense of the Constitution of the United States of America!
Letter of the day:

Nancy Pelosi
235 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515-0508

Dear Madam Speaker,
I am one of the formerly silent majority of Americans who is fed up with big Government spending and increased taxation.
You stood up before all the citizens of America, placed your hand on the Bible, and took an oath to protect and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. Clearly, you need to re-read that document.

Sincerely yours,
Linda G. (I use my full voter name on my letters)


  1. Before I start my own such blog, I'm just going to ditto yours. You're doing a good job. The following headline story is one of those biggies that "threatens American freedom". At least it scares me to my toes: "DETROIT – General Motors Corp. Chairman and CEO Rick Wagoner will step down immediately at the request of the White House, administration officials said Sunday." Now it begins..................

  2. It is important to realize that what you see is NOT what you are getting... this is a stage show. What is going on behind the scenes is very like a Broadway performance - you'll never know how they set it all up.

  3. GA,the real problem is what laws will the Congress break trying to gain control over these businesses..a slipery slope..

    Sandy, I'm afraid you're right:( the stage has been set and we're in the midst of the performance. Every day is a fresh wound to American sensibilities.
    Thanks for your comment!

  4. Linda, I agree with're doing a great job!

    Everything thst's going on now gives me an uneasy feeling, to say the least.

    I hope it's not too late to stop what is happening, but I heard someone on television tonight saying that it may have gone too far already, and may not can be stopped.

    Imagine the government having the authority to set people's income, and order them to resign.

    It's absolutely crazy!
