Saturday, April 18, 2009

Say Again..Terrorists are Who?

When Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano's report to Law Enforcement Officers across the country surfaced on the Internet, I got physically ill. That hasn't happened to me before, although my friend Jan at Vinegar and Honey is sometimes forced to take time out from reviewing Governmental antics because she literally becomes ill as a result of her reading and researching.

I think everyone knows by now that the DHS report focuses on Right wing Extremists as a threat to the Nation.
Those who are dissatisfied with the job their Elected Officials are doing,
Those who support the Second Amendment,
Those Military Veterans returning from war,
and Those whose Religions don't support abortion.
There was no mention of Muslim Extremists. There was no mention of the Mexican Drug Cartels that are moving into the US, killing and kidnapping.
Nope, just us, mainstream Americans, Moms and Dads, Children and Grandparents who wave flags, say the Pledge of Allegiance, work and pay taxes and still believe that the Constitution of the United States of America should guide our law makers and our law enforcers.

For those who haven't seen this Fox News video yet, it's interesting to see that Napolitano admits to Megan Kelly that she signed the document without reading by being briefed on the contents, then later tries to intimidate the reporters with her importance and makes a reference "if you had read the report.." Surprise! They had actually read the report when she hadn't!
Also, although she has changed the language referring to the Muslim Extremists who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11 as "Man Caused Disasters", she still bandies about the word terrorist when talking about Right wingers in this video.

The report came out just in time for the tea parties, but guess what? The tea parties were orderly. People were actually smiling and laughing as they waved their creative signs. According to Michelle Malkin, there were at least 250,000 across the Nation who exercised their right to peaceful assembly and freedom of speech. Pretty much on the spur of the moment!
For those seething at the insult to America"s Veterans, here's a wonderful letter written to Napolitano by David K. Rehbien, National Commander of the American Legion.
There are some Senators who have taken action by submitting a letter to President Obama calling for an investigation into Napolitano's Report.
Today I'm writing to John McCain and John Kyle to urge them to speak out for Average Americans.
And if you are from another state, you can write to your own Congressional representatives expressing your outrage in polite terms. Just go to Project Vote Smart for addresses and voting records. Get those mighty pens out and tell 'em what you think!


  1. Seems as tho' Janet's donned the cloak before engaging brain ... not that I ever considered her particularly brilliant to begin with!
    Whatever sort of nation will we bequeath to our grandchildren? I'm saddened at the complacency.

  2. Linda..this is a great post!

    Thank you for all you're doing.

    I hadn't seen the video before, either..thanks!

  3. Maverly317. she's been fighting closing the borders in AZ forever. I was going to post about that when I got distracted by the tea parties.
    I'm hoping people are getting less complacent. The Big O agenda toward socialism is stiring people up and hopefully the movement will grow...

    Jan, thank you. That video was pretty telling wasn't it!

  4. Good job Linda...think they should hire you to do the research they don't do:)
    Please read the comment I left on one acre wood and give me a response so I can either move forward of change game plans.

  5. Linda you are my spokesperson. I cannot get a grip on the words because I cannot get the anger and sick feeling in my stomach to clear up. You do an excellent job of getting it all together. You know,it is so strange that I have never seen a military person utter disgraceful words back a the spitters, the screamers of "war monger", "baby killer", "terrorist",etc. They are trained to protect those very same Americans that spit on them and they are committed to that career choice. I have never understood how the majority of them bear the pain and hold their heads so high. We should drop rose petals on the ground where they walk and we should demand Janet Napolitano's resignation.

  6. I actually loved the Department of Homeland Security's list. I remember when in the early part of Bush's second term they came out with a list of left wing groups they considered terrorists. Funny how Fox never addressed that. Funny too how most people haven't actually read the eight page report.

    In the last few months we've seen several brutal murders by lone wolf right wingers, usually the ones who sit home anights and growl by the light of Glenn Beck. I believe that those who incite, whether on the left or the right, should be willing to assume some responsibility. Whether the person doing the inciting is Randy Rhodes or Rush Limbaugh

  7. Woot, woot! You are doing an awesome job, Linda! Keep it up.

  8. I, too feel sick when I see and hear this. Makes me feel so hopeless, tool. What is the country coming to? It scares me.

    Thanks for posting about these things.


  9. Did you see the picture (MSNBC) of that captured Somali pirate? Grinning. ... It's caption may as well have read, "I'm going to DisneyLand."

    I don't know what's worse .. the liberals in Washington or our media.

    Sorry, this is a little off the subject. I just had to let off some steam. Thanks for providing a great venue!!!

  10. Changes, othing can be beter than your new blog focusing on individual acts of random kindness...Go Girl Go!

    GA, thank you for saying I speak for you..that's a great complimnt..I know that you and your DH are American Patriots:)

    Stewart, I admit that I was remiss in checking out President Bush's terrorist list. I know that there are extremists, potential terrorists on both the far left and the far right and I would support neither.
    I'm not sure who you are talking about when you mention lone wolf, far right extremists who commited brutal murders.
    Are these people who slipped beneath Napolitano's radar so that she had to reach back to Timothy McVeigh for an example of a right wing terrorist in her report?
    And who are these growling Right Wing Exremeists who listen to Glen Beck?
    Well... me for one.. Beck told me to read the I am.. Grrrrrrrrrrrr
    Truthfully Stewart, I appreciate your comment here because you made me stop to think. Nothing is simple or black and white.

    Liz you will always be my Hero(ine)!

    Maverly, Thanks for your comment! The most important thingin the world is that we we speak out!

  11. Lisa, I thought I'd addresed your comment, but no...I know that you are an American Patriot and I will always appreciate your supportive comments more than I can say:)
