Tuesday, May 5, 2009

An Inconvenient Amendment

Amendment 5-Trial and Punishment, Compensation for Takings.
Ratified 12/15/1791

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or navel forces, or in the Militia in actual time of War or public danger, more should any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life liberty, or property without due process of law; nor shall have private property taken for public use without just compensation.

Ah..."Taking the Fifth.. double jeopardy".. I get that, but it's the last line that protects an executed contract, one that is signed by two agreeing parties, from being broken by a third and it's causing the White House trouble because some pesky first lien holders are demanding their rights under the Fifth.
They are GASP! standing up to Barack and crew.
The Big O has called them selfish, ...no matter that he has rescinded vouchers that provided hope to some DC ghetto kids who were attending the same school as his daughters, stranding them with little hope for a decent education,...... it's these people who are selfish because they prefer to get the most they can from their investments in Chrysler. You see, Mr. Obama wanted them to take less so he could redistribute their $$ to other lien holders who aren't in first place.

I hope you'll take time to read this article. It's scary, but also a ray of hope.. if these groups and their attorney Thomas Lauria can sick by their rights, it will be a victory for the Constitution and for the rights of the American people.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Bear

I'm almost ready to tackle this blog again. I have become obsessed with the news, and am close to paranoid when it comes to conspiracy theories.
My whole purpose in Speaking Out has been to invoke a positive note and a feeling that we still have power to change things. I am becoming less certain of that, but must trust others in our Country who believe there's a way out for us if we persevere, let our Congressional Representatives know what we think, and keep the faith with our fellow Americans.

The Tea Parties have unsettled the Obama administration. They really don't like to think there are so many independent thinkers left in our Country. The simple fact that it makes them nervous is a positive!

Remember the Ronald Reagan add "The Bear"?

Here's a new twist:

Now if she can save us from the Tiger!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Say Again..Terrorists are Who?

When Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano's report to Law Enforcement Officers across the country surfaced on the Internet, I got physically ill. That hasn't happened to me before, although my friend Jan at Vinegar and Honey is sometimes forced to take time out from reviewing Governmental antics because she literally becomes ill as a result of her reading and researching.

I think everyone knows by now that the DHS report focuses on Right wing Extremists as a threat to the Nation.
Those who are dissatisfied with the job their Elected Officials are doing,
Those who support the Second Amendment,
Those Military Veterans returning from war,
and Those whose Religions don't support abortion.
There was no mention of Muslim Extremists. There was no mention of the Mexican Drug Cartels that are moving into the US, killing and kidnapping.
Nope, just us, mainstream Americans, Moms and Dads, Children and Grandparents who wave flags, say the Pledge of Allegiance, work and pay taxes and still believe that the Constitution of the United States of America should guide our law makers and our law enforcers.

For those who haven't seen this Fox News video yet, it's interesting to see that Napolitano admits to Megan Kelly that she signed the document without reading by being briefed on the contents, then later tries to intimidate the reporters with her importance and makes a reference "if you had read the report.." Surprise! They had actually read the report when she hadn't!
Also, although she has changed the language referring to the Muslim Extremists who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11 as "Man Caused Disasters", she still bandies about the word terrorist when talking about Right wingers in this video.

The report came out just in time for the tea parties, but guess what? The tea parties were orderly. People were actually smiling and laughing as they waved their creative signs. According to Michelle Malkin, there were at least 250,000 across the Nation who exercised their right to peaceful assembly and freedom of speech. Pretty much on the spur of the moment!
For those seething at the insult to America"s Veterans, here's a wonderful letter written to Napolitano by David K. Rehbien, National Commander of the American Legion.
There are some Senators who have taken action by submitting a letter to President Obama calling for an investigation into Napolitano's Report.
Today I'm writing to John McCain and John Kyle to urge them to speak out for Average Americans.
And if you are from another state, you can write to your own Congressional representatives expressing your outrage in polite terms. Just go to Project Vote Smart for addresses and voting records. Get those mighty pens out and tell 'em what you think!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

See you at the Tea Party!

Something"s brewing in the United States of America and it isn't tea.

It's concern for our future and for the future of our children and Grandchildren.

It's concern for the rights of the individual as set out by our forefathers in the Constitution.

As we see a Congress heady with power, passing bills in hysterical abandon without authorizing or even reading them, we feel the icy fingers of socialism chill our very bones. (well, I got a little Victorian thriller there, but you know that feeling..and it's scary)

FreedomWorks has a nifty map pegged with tea parties where a click on your area will tell you the time and place. Let's let our Congressional representatives know that the Silent Majority is made up of law abiding, tax paying, hard working citizens who are standing up in orderly protest of Big Government saying, "We will be Silent No More! "

Prescott Arizona is having a tea party on the Court House Plaza at 6:00p.m. to 8:00p.m. Wednesday April 15, 2009. See you there!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Freedom of Choice?

I thought I was going to post this yesterday, got interrupted and never got back, but someone called last night to tell me the title published alone.

Sorry! This is time sensitive too. This bill will be voted on tonight, so if you want your opinion to be counted in this it has to be within the next 12 hours.
President Obama is planning to rescind the rules on conscience exemptions put in place by President Bush.
This will affect medical professionals who decline to do a procedure because of personal moral, religious or ethical codes.
Thirty six Senators have written a letter to the President outlining the reasons medical professionals should not be coerced into performing procedures against their own consciences.
I feel almost overwhelmingly grateful to them for continuing to fight for American rights and freedoms when there is such an overwhelming tide against them. They signed the letter so you can check to see if your Senators are represented. My letter today will be to thank John McCain for signing this letter to the President.
Catherine Favazza has posted: The 10 Things You Need to Know About Conscience Protection
I left a comment here at A Doctor's Right to add one more digit to the number, and I'm posting this hoping others will do the same today. It's a quick and easy way to stand up and be counted.

God Bless America!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Guns on the Border

In case you missed this special Fox report regarding the supposed 90% of guns entering Mexico from the United States. Here's the gist of it.

Blatantly copied from Michelle Malkin:
You’ve heard this shocking “fact” before — on TV and radio, in newspapers, on the Internet and from the highest politicians in the land: 90 percent of the weapons used to commit crimes in Mexico come from the United States.
– Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said it to reporters on a flight to Mexico City.
– CBS newsman Bob Schieffer referred to it while interviewing President Obama.
– California Sen. Dianne Feinstein said at a Senate hearing: “It is unacceptable to have 90 percent of the guns that are picked up in Mexico and used to shoot judges, police officers and mayors … come from the United States.”

– William Hoover, assistant director for field operations at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, testified in the House of Representatives that “there is more than enough evidence to indicate that over 90 percent of the firearms that have either been recovered in, or interdicted in transport to Mexico, originated from various sources within the United States.”
There’s just one problem with the 90 percent “statistic” and it’s a big one: It’s just not true.
In fact, it’s not even close. By all accounts, it’s probably around 17 percent.
What’s true, an ATF spokeswoman told FOXNews.com, in a clarification of the statistic used by her own agency’s assistant director, “is that over 90 percent of the traced firearms originate from the U.S.”
In other words, 83% of the guns confiscated from the drug cartels are from other countries or are untraceable.

Senator John Kyle
730 Hart SOB
Washington DC 2510
Dear Senator Kyle,
Recently, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke apologetically to the Mexican Government regarding the huge number of guns supplied by the US to Mexican Drug Cartels.
She used a figure of 90% that was supplied by William Hoover, assistant director for field operations at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in a report to the House of Representatives.
According to a special report by William Lon Juenesse on Fox News, the number should have been 90% of traceable guns which translates to about 17% of total firearms captured from Mexican Drug Lords.
What worries me and many of my fellow citizens is that the exaggerated and therefore false report fed by Mr. Hoover to the House of Representatives, State Department and to the media could be used as a serious threat against the Second Amendment Rights of law abiding American citizens. We are hoping you can do something to set the record straight.
Thank you for the hard work you have already done to defend the rights of American citizens while serving in the Senate.
Sincerely yours,
Linda G.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Hillary on the Border

One of these border barriers was built between 1368 and 1644, by men with no modern equipment, through fantastically rugged terrain and it's 4000 miles long.

The other is part of the best fencing to be built by Government on the US/Mexico border. So far, the Government claims to have built over 500 miles of the two thousand mile fence with a matching run of fence a wide road's width inside of it. In other words, a double barrier. This is not true and I'll post more on the border tomorrow. Oh, and the cost so far? Around 600 million tax payer dollars.

I borrowed this photo from the Christian Science Monitor and there are more pictures along with an interesting article.This is an American Citizen looking through the fence at Mexico.

On her recent trip to Mexico, Hilary Clinton apologized to Mexico for the existence of the drug cartels. Ms Clinton said that Americans are responsible for so much drug use that we have created this situation.
Now, wait just a minute, Ms Clinton! Do you happen to recall the pleas of responsible Americans who over a span of 30 some years, have begged our elected officials to fence and effectively man the border between the United States and Mexico?
One of the things We the Responsible Tax Paying American Citizens wanted most was to end the free transport of drugs into this country from Mexico. We were aware that Mexican drugs were being used to entice American School Children into drug use and from there into crime and wasted American lives.
Administration after administration has ignored the common sense solution to many of the problems that exist in our country today. There was a lot of bluster on Capitol Hill about The War on Drugs, but never a serious mention of the most obvious solution....getting control of the border by building a fence and increasing border patrol agents.
Remember the bill that Ted Kennedy and John McCain authored that granted amnesty to illegals? The one that served as the straw that broke the camels back? The one that caused millions of Americans to write, call, email, and petition Congress and the White House until the bill was squelched?
Remember how in 2007 you and your fellow members of Congress finally authorized a bill to build a fence on the border? Then, after much self-congratulatory posturing before the media you all took a recess while neglecting the process of appropriating the necessary funds for the actual building of that fence. And yup, it worked. By the time you got back to whatever it is Congress People do, We the People had cooled down and didn't notice for awhile that you'd pulled the wool over our eyes yet again.

Yes, I know that eventually there was funding for 700 miles of the 2000 needed miles of fencing, but the fence being built is a joke! Congress called for 700 miles of double fencing that has been replaced in spots by flimsy barriers, many of which wouldn't stop a pet rabbit let alone determined drug cartels.
I notice too, that you are apologizing to Mexico because criminals are smuggling guns from America into Mexico. A closed border would have prevented that problem as well and you could have avoided all that groveling!
However, if you're in a mood to grovel and apologize, then please do so to the American mothers who have seen their sweet sons and daughters "hooked" by pushers of Mexican drugs....all that bright potential lost forever; to those Americans who have lost jobs because greedy employers found they could exploit illegal aliens by paying them next to nothing; to American property owners who live on the border and have had their ranch land ruined and their homes invaded; and to all Americans who must now live with ever increasing crime, poverty, and fear.
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Obama,
Since recent events along the Mexican border have proven the disastrous effects resulting from the lax attitude of your predecessors toward protecting American Citizens from an influx of drugs and crime, I hope you will be the first of our Presidents to take this problem seriously. I hope you will take control of the Mexican border by building a real fence.
You may want to take a look at what $600,000,000 has paid for so far... It's pretty pathetic.
Sincerely yours,
Linda. G

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

American Tea Party

Alice looks like I feel right now. Stop the insanity and let me go back to my nice little life!

But there's this tea party...and we're all invited..... to participate in mailing a tea bag to President Obama to remind him of the way we feel about big government and increased taxes.
The Postal Service is already complaining that tea will mess up their sorting machines, so I'm sending a picture of a tea bag that I scanned and printed. I thought I'd send one to my favorite gal Nancy Pelosi and one to Harry Reid as well as the President and the three Congressional representatives from my District.

This way I can send my tea and drink it too! (Sorry!)
The tea bags or facsimiles are supposed to be mailed tomorrow April 1.
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500
Senator Harry Reid
522 Hart SOB (or Senate Office Building,)
Washington, DC 20510-2803
Senator John McCain
241 Russell SOB
Washington, DC 20510
Senator John Kyle
730 Hart SOB
Washington, DC 20510
Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick
1123 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
For anyone who wants to find the address or research the voting record of any legislator from their district or any other, Project Vote Smart is a great tool.
This is a chance for Americans to join together to make themselves heard as one entity by their representatives in Congress! I'm making these my letter(s) for the day!
Now, just for fun a little biology 101.

Monday, March 30, 2009

On the border with Nancy

As Chrysler's recovery plan using tax payer money is rejected by President Obama, and we watch more hard earned American taxpayer dollars swirling around the drain preparatory to being sucked down, I am steamed up about another even more vital issue.

A week or two ago, Nancy Pelosi gave a pro-immigration speech to a group of legal and illegal Mexicans in San Francisco. She calls them patriotic, and some or all of them may be, but if they are in this country illegally, they are breaking the law.
This speech decries enforcement of existing laws that prohibit businesses from hiring illegal aliens. Pelosi is among those liberals who love to say that no American Citizen would do some of the jobs vacated by those illegals who are rounded up during these raids. The facts are that after raids those jobs are usually quickly filled by legal citizens. Today, with American unemployment at nearly 20% in some parts of the country does anyone doubt that any job vacated can quickly be filled?

It seems to me that Speaker Pelosi is encouraging people to break the law. We the People who obey the laws of the land are left to 'go fish' as she embraces those who break them.
Shouldn't we feel compassion toward those families who have undertaken the arduous journey to enter our country? Yes we should, and we should do what we can to help Mexico as she struggles to overcome years of bad government, but we can't afford to host the entire population of Mexico .

Wake up Pelosi, Reid, and you Senator McCain who should know better!
Just as opening up a vein will only supply only six quarts of blood before you've bled out and you can provide no more, America is already financially bled out! We're broke folks, and none of your posing, posturing, pronouncements, or promises will change that.

We the people know that you are all viewing those people as votes. If you can just give them amnesty, they will vote for you. Well, we the People are voters too. We're the folks who have been reluctant to get mixed up in the nasty business of politics, but we are still the backbone of America and you haven't broken us yet!

The video and transcript of Pelosi's speech are available from Californians for Population Stabilization. Note that as she panders, she still manages to patronize.
Here's a petition. asking President Obama to enforce existing laws. I signed this petition, but I'm still going to write Pelosi a letter. (I'm not picking on her sending two letters in a row--well maybe I am.) I hope you'll sign the petition or send a letter or both....

Nancy Pelosi
235 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515-0508
Dear Madam Speaker,

I have watched a video and read the transcript of your speech to legal and illegal Mexicans in San Francisco.
Did you mean to encourage breaking existing law and to denounce enforcement of the laws of the people and land you represent (I mean the citizens and the United States of America here -that's correct isn't it?) Did you mean to say that the enforcement of American law is UnAmerican?

Sometimes it's hard for the ordinary middle class or lower class tax paying citizen to recognize any representation in Government today. I hope we can count on you to keep us in mind as you challenge laws that were put in place for our benefit.

Sincerely yours,
Linda G.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Things are happening so fast in Washington that it's impossible to keep up with everything that threatens American freedom. It's like a keystone comedy where the same clowns who created a huge mess are commissioned to fix it, and every decision they make compounds the problem.

Common sense Americans know that you can't spend your way out of debt. We don't want our Grandchildren paying our debts. We're supposed to get all excited by a few dollars added to our paychecks or "refunded" on our income taxes. If we had the choice of borrowing that money and expecting our children and our grandchildren and our great grandchildren to pay it back along with years of accumulated interest would we CHOOSE to borrow it? Any money we automatically receive from the Government is already our money. They are loaning us our own money and it's in the form of a bribe! "Take this money from your great benefactor, Government and smile. Buy yourself a nice digital TV or something. and settle down."
In other words, they think we are too stupid to figure this out, too greedy to turn it down, or to lazy to fight it!

But you know what? We're not! All over this country people are having"tea parties," gathering in orderly protest against big government and increased taxation. They are writing letters, signing petitions, and sending emails. The silent majority is finding it's voice! That voice is gaining strength daily and it's speaking out in defense of the Constitution of the United States of America!
Letter of the day:

Nancy Pelosi
235 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515-0508

Dear Madam Speaker,
I am one of the formerly silent majority of Americans who is fed up with big Government spending and increased taxation.
You stood up before all the citizens of America, placed your hand on the Bible, and took an oath to protect and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. Clearly, you need to re-read that document.

Sincerely yours,
Linda G. (I use my full voter name on my letters)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spitting on Marines

We all dream of sending our children to a good University. What many may not realize is the narrow scope of social ideology that is being "taught" along with biology, physics, or English lit.

My Grandson, along with his fellow band members, was in Lake Havasu last weekend promoting two of the band's sponsors, Gretsch Musical instruments and Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer. They happened to meet up with two young Marines who were just home from Iraq and facing deployment to Afghanistan.

Both young men were about 20 or 21 years old and highly upset and frustrated because they had just met up with a group of college students who, upon discovering that they were Marines, spat on them! Spit! How pathetic, disgusting, and mean spirited is that?

Of course the Marines, being in excellent shape and trained in combat, could have happily and easily wiped the floor with their tormentors. They didn't dare lay a finger on them knowing they would probably have been arrested and possibly faced military court marshal.

So why do college students feel entitled to show such contempt as to spit on anyone with whom they disagree? It seems to be a growing form of demonstrating disapproval by college students as a young woman handing out a newspaper to fellow students at UC Berkley found.

Her experience is featured in the following video of Lou Dodd and Evan Coyne Maloney discussing the documentary film, Indoctrinate U .

More about Evan Coyne Maloney's Documentary, Indoctrinate U, here. There are segments available on YouTube and people can organize showings in their own communities.

I always thought spitting on people was only done by old crones in novels depicting the dark ages. Or by helpless heroines facing death in movies. Who knew it would be the weapon choice by American youth for assaulting a fellow human with whom they disagree!

The thing that really bothers me is what would these same young people do if they had the power to really hurt people who hold different ideas or ideals than their own? Would they stop at spitting? Could they lynch those who disagreed with them? Or consign them to a camp or worse? Never in America? I would like to believe that.